
So you guys might have heard about the hacker that managed to break in to the PC party website and posted a phony press release about how Harper was rushed to hospital after choking on hash browns. He also managed to get a list of donors to the PC party and posted them on his twitter account. THEN he hacked his way on to some conservative sponsored website and created a coupon for free coupon free gas.

Though we gotta give this guy props for his bad-assery, many people are discussing how this hacker should have…well…been more bad-ass. Instead of posting a fake news release about the PMs health, many believe that the hacker should have been more radical. Many think he should have posted a release about the things that a lot of people hate about Harper, but a lot more people don’t know about, or just are too ignorant to care.

Though the prank was humorous and all, I have to agree with critics. If you are going to something as radical hacking the government party website, you might as well go all out and actually SAY something. You are going to get lots of peoples attention, so why don’t you do something worth wild?

What are your thoughts on computer hackers? No matter what your opinion may be, there is no deneying that some of these guys can hold a lot of power, take the Wikileaks watchdog Anonymous, for example. In a world were everyday people can do extrodinary things with technology, hackers are no longer just nerds in their basement. Well, maybe some still are, but many of them are using their abilities to challange authority and change the world, or, in the case of Anonymous, protect people’s rights such as free speech.

What are your thoughts?

Hey guys, So I finally decided to give in and get a Crackberry. I discovered this nifty little WordPress app and decided to give it a try!

“Up through the highlands at dusk. Throughout the electric-green hills were great white stones flung like teeth.

“I see this and think glory,” I said to Erin, loving the sound of the word glory, and hoping it would impress her in some way. I was driving now, and soon realized that driving on the wrong side wasn’t very difficult.

“I’d love to live here,” I said, trying to sound dreamy.

“You can’t live here,” she said. “There’s nothing here. No work.”

“I could telecommute.”

Silence from Erin.

“If you were here,” I started, then dropped the thought.
She gave me a fake smile. I soaked up every ounce of it.”

I don’t understand how he does it so consistently. I don’t and I want to and I can’t. Form is one thing, but his content blows me away at every turn. He doesn’t waste a sentiment, I don’t understand how.

Hello Folks!

This week for our second third episode, we figured that with all these uprisings and government take-downs going on all over the world, it would be fitting to explore songs that could perhaps be the soundtrack to such activities. We put our heads together and tried to compile the best songs that would make you want to run out of your house and go cause trouble to the establishment!

Here is this weeks list:
10. Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young- Ohio
9. The International Noise Conspriacy- Smash It Up
8. Senses Fail- American Death
7. Shane Phillip- Exodus  (Bob Marley Cover!)
6. Sonic Youth- Teenage Riot
5. The Flobots- There is a War Going on for Your Mind
4. Gun N’ Roses- Garden of Eden
3. The Sex Pistols- Anarchy in the U.K
2. Rage Against the Machine- Calm like a Bomb
1. The Clash- White Riot

Of course these are just our picks! If you feel like we left out a song that should have been on the list, put it in a comment below! Also if you have any suggestions for topics for future shows, please feel obligated to comment!

Insert Quarter airs on CHSR FM Tuesdays at 7pm (Atlantic Canada Time). Listen live from the internet where ever you are at : http://chsrfm.ca/listen-here/listen-live/

Until next week… Cheers!

-Cherise Letson

Insert Quarter

A second-tier Joy Division. The poor man’s Echo and the Bunnymen. These were the sort of labels that became the only way to attempt to explain the lack of success that befell  The Sound. As a band they never made it to the big league, always falling short of being able to stand under the same light as their like-minded 80’s post-punk pioneers. That in itself is unfortunate enough, and their difficulty in maintaining commercial viability limited their output of material, but perhaps it’s their exclusion from rock and roll history that is more mystifying.

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Hello listeners!
This week we brought you a list of our top 10 songs about snow:

10. Regina Specktor- 20 Years of Snow
9. Stomp’n Tom- Snowmobile Song
8. My Bloody Valintine- Soft as Snow
7. Belle and Sebastian- Fox in the Snow
6. Infectious Grooves- Immigrant Song
5. Barenaked Ladies- Snowman
4. Steppenwolf- Snowblind Friend
3. Black Sabbath- Snowblind
2. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds- Fifteen Feet Of Pure White Snow
1. Joel Plaskett Emergency- Snowed in/Cruisin’

Didn’t make the cut (# FAIL): Shayne Ward- Melt the Snow (wasn’t that horrible?)

Of course, as we mentioned, there are some pretty obvious tunes we omitted. Tell us what they are! What do you think we did right? Did wrong? Suggestions for future shows?

Put it in a comment below! We want to hear from you!

I leave you now with a song we are kind of ashamed we forgot:


Insert Quarter

Today friends, I bring you a video by a band whose front man is…well…in my eyes more famous for marrying his gorgeous groupie (now ex) wife, but still is underrated in Rock history.

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Beloved readers and listeners,

A bit late, but just wanted to let you know that for those who tuned in on Tuesday to hear the airing of our show on CHSR, we send our apologies. Unfortunately, technical difficulties stood between our violent torpedoes of truth and the airwaves, but fear not, for we will be right back on the air this Tuesday bringing you another rockin’ good countdown. While I’m at it, feel free to subscribe to our blog! We won’t send you spam or junk, just a friendly email everytime we post an essay, article or update about the show. Thank Elvis It’s Friday.

Here’s a cool video I just watched.

-Jeffrey R. Arbeau

Whether it’s through Facebook, Twitter, Texting or whatever else us young folks are using these days, we have become conditioned to require constant validation in whatever we post/text.  We seem want to know that people give a shit, that people are interested in what we have to say, that we are important.

Still don’t know what I am talking about?  Here are some examples.

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